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Spider plants are one of the most common houseplants that are easy to grow, especially when the right care and attention are given to them.
If you are interested in making your spider plant bushy, then there are 10 steps that you must carry out diligently to achieve your goals.
We will be discussing those steps in this article as well as other relevant points you need to know.
10 Best Steps To Make A Spider Plant Bushy
Spider plants which are also known as Chlorophytum comosum are popular species of evergreen perennial house plants which are native to tropical and Southern Africa. It has some fascinating features such as its long, thin leaves resembling spider legs.
To be able to maintain these plants as well as mould them to become bushy as you desire, you will need to carry out these essential requirements which we will be outlining for you below.
1. Select The Perfect Soil Type
The first simplest way to make your spider plant bushy as well as healthy is by ensuring that you select the best suitable type of soil. Spider plants tend to thrive best when grown in well-draining soil that can retain some moisture. Also, the soil should contain a good mix of potting soil with a little amount of sand or perlite.
Additionally, while getting the soil, you must examine the soil and ensure that all the essential nutrients are intact as without them, your spider plant wouldn’t grow healthy. To gain those nutrients, you can add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil as it will help to retain and replenish them.
2. Watering Requirement
Another essential requirement that will help your spider plant to grow bushy is by watering your spider plant to the best amount as well as the time frame that it requires.
Spider plant requires about 1-2 gallons per week. This watering must be done early in the morning and you have to water your spider plant until the top inch of the soil is moisturized.
Before watering, you must allow the soil to dry out between each watering session. Doing so will not only help the soil to be moist but also blushy.
3. Sunlight Requirement
Every plant whether an indoor or an outdoor house plant requires sufficient sunlight to grow healthy. So does a spider plant as it can’t grow with the backing of sufficient sunlight to its desirable taste.
It grows well when it is provided with some level of indirect or direct sunlight. To achieve that, you should place your spider in a spot where it will get at least 4 hours of indirect sunlight per day. It can withstand direct sunlight just that it wouldn’t give you the high level of bushy that you desire. This is because direct sunlight can dry out the leaves of the plant and can turn the tips of the leaves brown.
Furthermore, if you reside in a location where the sun doesn’t shine for a long time, then you should consider installing a grow light in your garden to give your plant additional light.
Mind you, if you don’t provide enough sunlight to your plant, it will lead to your plant becoming leggy with no blushy.
Read Also: How to Get Rid Of Spider Mites on Plants [Indoors + Outdoors]
4. Fertilizer
Adequate nutrients are important to the growth of your spider plant and in achieving the blushy plant that you want. So you must add the feeding of fertilizers to your plant in your routine.
You can add a good all-purpose fertilizer to your plant which will provide the nutrients needed. Also, ensure that you use a fertilizer that is specifically formulated for spider plants as not all fertilizers will be suitable for your plant.
Additionally, the amount of time that you should administer your fertilizer is twice a month in the spring and summer. Read the instructions thoroughly to get a proper clue on how best to use the fertilizer.
Furthermore, you can also add compost or organic matter to your soil to give it an extra boost. However, it is important to note that excessive fertilizer usage in your soil can result in root burn, leaf burn, nutrient deficiency and stunted growth.
5. Prune & Trim Your Spider Plant
Pruning or trimming your spider plant is an essential requirement that you must carry if you want your plant to be blushy. This can be done while the plant is actively growing which occurs during the spring and summer months.
To enjoy the best benefit of this act, you must prune your spider plant when it has grown at least 6 inches in height and has formed a few flowers.
Furthermore, you can prune your spider plant by ensuring that you sterilize your pruning scissor to get rid of any diseases. Then proceed to remove any brown tip, weak or broken stalks or even any deadly leaves.
Once you have done so, you can then cut off any larger stems that are growing or crossing on each other as this will encourage new growth for your plant.
6. Temperature Level
The ideal temperature range for your spider plant should be between 70°F and 90°F degrees. Any temperature rate higher than 90°F will only cause the leaves to develop yellow or even limp.
In addition, any temperature rate below 70°F will also cause the plant to become leggy with a lack of foliage.
Furthermore, for your plant to grow bushier, you must expose the plant to a temperature range between 75°F and 85°F.
7. Exposure To A Suitable Humidity Level
To ensure that your plant grows bushier and also grows well, you must also make sure that the humidity level is meant. To achieve that, you must try misting the leaves with water for a few days as it will help to keep the plant moist.
However, if you keep the plant in a place with enough humidity such as your bathroom, then your plant may get bushier.
You can also get a humidifier and place it near your plant to help maintain its humidity level.
8. Avoid The Wind
Another important thing that you must do to help your spider plant to grow bushy is by keeping it away from the wind. This is because wind can cause a lot of damage to the leaves and also make them vulnerable to pests and diseases.
Exposing this plant to wind will also make the soil dry up faster than it should when kept in a less winded place. This can make your plant lose the essential nutrients that will add to your plants to grow healthy and bushy.
So, therefore, for your plant to grow healthy, you need to keep it in a place where it is sheltered and protected away from the wind.
Furthermore, if you are growing your spider plant outdoors, then you should consider placing it in a container that has drainage holes for water infusion as well as protect it from strong winds.
9. Repotting
Repotting your spider plant is essential for its healthy growth and development. This can be done by removing the plant from the container and replanting it in another pot or container with new soil and water.
It is important to note that the size of the pot must be larger with drainage holes. This is to enable the plant to spread out and become more comfortable to accommodate more nutrients and better absorption of water.
Ensure that after repotting, you must provide adequate water supply and sunlight to the plant. In the end, be rest assured to get the best bushy spider plant.
10. Propagation Of The Plant
Propagating your spider plant isn’t a child’s play but it is also an easier way to fully grow a bushy plant. To easily carry out this, all you need to do is to remove the spiderette which can also be called a baby plant from the mother plant using a pair of clean and sterilized scissors.
Plant the new plant in a small pot with well-draining soil and leave the leaves exposed. Afterwards, position the pot in a warm, bright location and water it regularly.
Immediately you notice that the plant has grown and developed a strong root, then you move the plant to the much bigger pot which helps the plant to grow much fuller and bushier.
However, to be able to achieve the best results, you should carry out the other essential requirements such as the temperature and humidity level, repotting, fertilizing and watering etc.
Furthermore, if you follow all these 10 steps provided above, it will not only help your spider plant to grow healthy but also it will help the plant to become bushier.
1. How Do I Make My Spider Plant Flourish?
You can make your spider plant flourish by keeping the plant in a bright to moderate light with a good temperature range.
Ensure that you keep the soil slightly moist and do well to water your plant once a week during summer and spring while in the winter, you should allow the soil to dry off a bit before watering.
2. How Do I Encourage My Spider Plant To Grow Babies?
Encouraging your spider plants to grow babies means exposing them to the right temperature and humidity level. This will help the plant to produce flowers.
3. How do you make a spider plant bushier?
Your spider plant will become bushier once the roots grow to about an inch. You can plant them back into the mother plant and fill up the spaces which makes it thick and bushy.
4. How Do You Multiply Spider Plants?
To multiply your spider plant, you should cut off the babies and clip them as close to the spider plantlets.
Afterward, remove the unattractive yellow and propagate them on water or you can plant them directly in the soil with a cut-down. If you should propagate your plant in water, then the roots will form within 7 to 10 days.
You can see that caring for your spider plant isn’t as difficult as it seems, especially when you know the right care and maintenance that it requires for your spider plant to be as healthy and bushy as you want it. Carefully care out these steps and watch your plant’s growth.
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